The beautiful Denni from Mexico (who now lives in Paris) - you might have seen her in the American Apparel adverts wearing the striped leotard - who I photographed almost every day in Paris. These are just two of her looks, I shall share more later.
I am loving Erin Wasson's jewellery range, Low Luv. Denni's long crucifix reminded me ofthis onefrom Low Luv. Plus did anyone see the incredible shoot/s Erin did for the March issue of French Elle? Just page after page of Erin gorgeousness!
The divine Ms Charlotte Dellal positively purrrrrrrrrrrring in her big-cat print coat. Oh and there is the small matter of her insanely gorgeous heels which are, of course, from her own brand:Charlotte Olympia.Do you see her earrings? They are tiny little spider webs just like she has on the bottom of all her shoes. Genius! Embarrassing moment: When I spied her coming out of the show I got so (overly) excited that I squealed out "Oooooo Charlotte, you make THE BEST SHOES!!" in a really loud voice. Um, which given that we were in Paris, and given that I have a very strong Australian accent, was probably very noticeable. Oh well. I really do think she makes amazing shoes :)
p.s. Saw a really cute leopard trench from Australian label, Wheels&Doll Baby, in the January issue of Australian Vogue....think it was called Feline Fatale? I really don't think you can go wrong with a bit of leopard print action in your wardrobe. Although I will admit to owning a leopard print bodysuit in the 1990's which I think might have been a bit of a mistake: a walk on the wild side gone wildly wrong ;)
Booties from Chanel, Scarf "straight from the desert!". That was her answer when I asked her about her scarf (I think she said she had just got back from Morocco). I love clothing, jewellery, scarves with a story behind makes things that much more special.
Despite the fact that I am desperate for sunny weather conditions for something I am shooting on Thursday, I am secretly a little bit happy that it is still so cold: I have SO many more winter photos to post! In a few more weeks it will seem faintly ridiculous to be posting photos of winter coats. I must, MUST get them all up ASAP.
Anyway, I thought her little duffle-cape was super cute :)
By popular demand (that would be you @Alice and @Lindsey!), here are some more photos of the gorgeous Sama and Haya. The photos below are just bigger versions from the collage and the one above I took the day before the Karl Lagerfeld show: Sama and Haya off-duty + the crowd lined up for Angelina :) I am totally not to blame if this comes over all girl crush-ish and stalker-ish ;)
Perfection. I'm not sure what is more adorable: what they are wearing, their hair or their "I must know what shade it is" lipstick. The perfect shade of pink. p.s. Finally I have taught myself to do a collage. It has been on my to-do list for, oh, about a year now and tonight I worked it out. Kind of. It looks really small but you can click on the photo and it goes large. Argh. Shall reply to all your lovely comments/questions from the last couple of days tomorrow morning. I am so tired I think my brain has already gone to bed :)
How beautiful is Clementine* and her dreamy, messy side plait (very Alexander Wang SS 2010)? Her leather skirt, wedge boots and super loooong knotted belt are all gorgeous but that side plait is just so pretty.
*I can't say Clementine's name without thinking of basketfuls of beautiful, ripe clementines sitting in the sun (weird, I admit!)
The super lovely Violaine Bernard, PR director for Feathers boutique in London. I love Violaine's French chic style (and her cute haircut!) plus, um, those Opening Ceremony clog-bootsare just awesome! Perfect for embracing the clog trend if you quite like the look of clogs but don't feel quite brave enough to wear the high-heeled version.....which can be quite a struggle to keep on the foot without serious toe scrinching especially when worn with tights! And Violaine's lovely camel, white, grey palette? Perfection.
My dislike of cluttered backgrounds in my photos is well documented but I adore Lou Doillon and wanted to show you the photo anyway. She is so cool (and has that perfect messy hair that I have never quite achieved despite copious amounts of product, curlers and "brushing out")! I snapped this as she was leaving the Christian Dior show.
p.s. Not only have I managed to get the most hideous cluttered background but I have managed to capture some random foot action as well!
I like the feelings that these photos convey: okay, so most probably they just convey "Damn skippy it is so cold and windy I think I may pass out..... perhaps I should have worn tights, a dozen blankets and a pair of Uggs.....and a hot water bottle. Mmmmm I really wish this photographer would just leave me alone so I can go inside the nice, comfy, warm tent Mr Lagerfeld has prepared"....but I guess you can see how cold it was and how brave she was to wear bare legs for Karl's 10am show.
Not sure who she is but I think she might be friends with Leigh Lezark...
Ouf! Those French girls and their endless legs*! Perfect with her little leather shorts, patterned tights and heels. And do you see her necklace? (okay, so you probably don't because I haven't zoomed in enough but anyhow...) It is made of lots of vintage watch faces all strung on a chain! Quirky and so cute: now you know exactly what to do with all those broken/old watches you have lying in your junk drawer.
*Hmm wish I had been blessed with a bit more length in the leg department. Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly happy with the functionality of my legs but it would have been nice not to have to take up every single pair of jeans or trousers I buy......even the ones labelled (gasp) short!