After browsing through outfits on the notorious Teen Vogue forums I came to the consensus that nearly all the "fashionable" transformations users have gone through are not due to the development of person style, but rather going to urban outfitters on a Saturday. It is amazing how a pair of Skinny jeans tucked into vintage boots can make an outfit go from "eek" to "chic" (i hate the word "chic"). I have always been a style person, I'm not keen on buying into trends because they last for a season. So, I'm not trying to hurt anyones feelings by saying this, - although i inevitably will - Those of you who sport the run way goods a la targét or a la old navy, are only mediocre photocopies of the author of style bytes who is a mediocre photocopy of Balenciaga, who in the end is a mediocre photocopy of that kid on the face hunter who's style is the source of all fashion inspiration.