Going to California with an aching in my heart
Someone told me there's a girl out there
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair..."
Led Zeppelin 'Going to California' (1971)
So I found the girls with flowers in their hair...not sure about the love in their eyes bit (more like slightly worried and bemused by the girl waving her camera about!) but, well, anyway, its the song :)
Gorgeous Hannah (above) and the girl below (whose name I have completely forgotten but who is an Aussie from Cronulla in Sydney- yay!) both looked so great in their outfits. Hannah, a costume designer, was wearing all vintage including an amazing silk peachy, pink capelet (circa 1910) and that fabulous shimmery jacket-which was so divine I probably would have snuck off with it had I had a bag big enough...NO! 'course I wouldn't do that!!!
I love the way Hannah has teamed her vintage (which included little £3 brogue shoes) with the lace top (a little bit Balmain-ish but without the shoulder pads) and body con skirt. Keeps it all fresh and modern.

And this little nude/blush dress (an Australian label) is perfect for the long Summer days ahead. If you want to see more of the