Okay, so I am going to tell you anyway, even if you don't really care one little iota. Well, the Dior Homme show was over and I was standing around chatting to a lovely guy, Adrien, who told me that Karl Lagerfeld was rumoured to be at the show. Ahhh but of course given that he shot Kris Van Assche's first collection for the Dior Homme campaign. Anyhoo, so I spotted Lily Cole heading around the back (all fun things seem to happen at the back of the shows not at the front ;-) and thought I should go and investigate with the Nikon.... you know, just in case Mr Lagerfeld was there.
I headed around the back and yep, there he was being interviewed! For a girl who grew up in Brisbane, Australia, just getting to lay my eyes on Karl Lagerfeld in person was a marvellous thrill. So I tried getting some candid shots of him through the wire fencing that separated me from the fashionable people (think: a visit to the zoo but substitute the animals for exquisitely dressed men and women) but my lens was too big and I kept getting bits of wire in the shot. So I almost gave up and almost walked away......
And then he left. And I kind of left as well. And I kind of happened to be going the exact same way he was going ;-) And well, here is the result.
Not my best photo, but still it IS Mr Lagerfeld.
He was accompanied by two extremely good-looking men-I think one was Mr Lagerfeld's model and muse, Baptiste Giabiconi, and the other was maybe his bodyguard/assistant. Weirdly, the day before I was walking past the Colette store and I spotted Baptiste and the bodyguard/assistant pull up on a very large, very sexy scooter...and I wondered who they were. Mr Lagerfeld's ride? An extremely large Hummer!