p.s. Hope you all had an absolutely wonderful Christmas day wherever you are in the world. We are in the Dordogne region of France staying with friends in an incredibly beautiful converted barn. It is wonderful and relaxing which is just as well as we spent 22 arduous hours getting here from London by train, ferry and car-lets just say that Eurostar messed us around BIG TIME and I (nor my friend who is pregnant with twins) haven't quite forgiven them yet :) We had a fantastic clear day yesterday (boys were wearing t-shirts!) but there is an enormous fire to keep us warm as soon as it gets a bit chilly (we do seem to be getting through an uncanny amount of wood- I suspect none of us really know how to make a proper fire other than throwing lots of wood and kindling at it). We had slow-roasted goose and chicken for Christmas luncheon which was rather an experience- nothing like trying to remove the head of one's goose (it was dead but the French way is to leave same in tact for the lucky chef to, um, "deal with") on Christmas morning! Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Jamie would be proud :)) Bûche de Noël and cheeses for pudding, and lots of lovely red wine and champagne while we were preparing it all.
Well, it is almost 3:30pm now so time for my afternoon nap;-)
Joyeux Noel et Bonne année!