A long time ago TeenVogue featured a DIY worth mimicking and because of the scarcity of this sort of event I was compelled to file it away under "Future Projects". The DIY itself was designed by the Aussie duo behind Ksubi and is a great deal more complex than most DIYs. It requires more creativity and artistic ability vs. sewing skills. To view the project on teenvogue.com click HERE or to get an inside peek at the Ksubi offices with The Selby click HERE.

Ever since the Givenchy Couture collection that debuted last fall, head spikes have become the latest offspring the yet to die grunge fad. After photographing Vanessa Traina, godesslike in her golden crown of spikes, JAK & JIL photographer Tommy Ton has managed to capture a few other loyal spike fans in crown of their own.
Vampire Weekend, New Favorite Charlotte Gainsbourg , Lissy Trullie, Yeasayer, and Beach House all have Albums being relseased this month.