Written By: MIM!—Melinda Lewis is the thirty something founder, speaker, creative businessperson and lifestyle blogger of the company Get Togetha LLC. MIMI caught up with the webpreneur behind the successful lifestyle company.
MIM!: Tell us, Melinda Lewis is ...
Melinda Lewis: Authorprenuer, passionate blogger, lover of life, and a lover of a great shoe!
MIM!: How did you come up with Get Togetha, and how did you go from idea to plan of action?
Melinda Lewis: Get Togetha came to me in a dream and I followed through by putting one front in front of the other. Literally.
MIM!: What is a "typical" working day like for you?
Melinda Lewis: Working out in the morning, green tea, scrambled eggs, answering the onsloth of emails, & writing till I'm uninspired. Rinse. Recycle. Repeat.
MIM!: How many people do you have on your team or are you a Jill of All Trades who does everything from research to blog design?
Melinda Lewis: I have a web design team at my disposal but I'm definitely a Jilly. When you're starting out on your own I think its best to understand how every arm of how your business works.
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