Written By: Jamelia Mmari—This week, I am coveting African inspired jewelry from Afrique La Chic's Etsy store. Afua Kumasi, the woman behind AfriqueLaChic says about her jewelry, "I am inspired by traditional African, ethnic, and archaic jewelry styles. Most of my pieces are one of a kind, very unique, purposely designed to start conversation, and always made from the heart. I focus on both earth tones and bold vibrant colors. A lot of my pieces have spiritual meaning such as my pieces incorporating adinkra symbols, Egyptian symbols such as ahnks, African masks, fertility dolls, and cowry shells."
In addition to being on Etsy, AfriqueLaChic has an online presence on FaceBook, MySpace and Twitter.
(Photo Credits: AfriqueLaChi @ www.etsy.com/shop/AfriqueLaChic)