Behind The Blog: Onada Abodunde Blogs Style

Written By: MIM!—Wedding and lifestyle photographer Onada Abodunde has a love for all things fashionable. Her passionate love affair with the fashionable has been fueled into some of MIM!'s favorite websites: Onada Photography, Look Book By Onada, and The White Dress Shop.

Get to know the creative talent behind these stylish websites in our Q&A with Onada.

MIM!: Tell us, Onada is ...
Onada: Fun, ambitious and a total girly girl.

MIM!: What is a normal working day like for you?
Onada: I try to get up at 6.30am everyday but some how it always ends up being 7am. I rarely ever sleep before midnight. The night before I make a list of everything I want to accomplish the following day and I tick things off as the day progresses. I read a lot of daily blogs (wedding planning, photography, fashion, finance) so I set aside somewhere around one hour to check out the latest updates on my Google reader. I get a lot of email everyday and I do my best to prioritize how I answer them—If I end my day with under 20 unread emails I've done good! I also manage 3 blogs—two business blogs and one personal blog and I try to update them one to three times a week—I'll typically add them to my list of to do's on days I decide I want to make updates.

MIM!: What inspires you?
Onada: My mother. She's the most hardworking and caring person I've ever encountered and she's my number 1 fan :)

MIM!: What do you love the most about fashion? What do you hate the most?
Onada: I love reinvention in fashion and how style recycles but with a different twist each time. I don't know if there's anything I hate about fashion but I would say overkill of a trend isn't one of my favorite things.

MIM!: What is the most treasured item in your wardrobe?
Onada: I don't have one single treasured item. I would say my purses and shoes. However if I were to pick just one thing it would have to be my Chanel canvas reissue clutch purse with gold hardware. I've had it for 7 years and I still get asked about it whenever I carry it. I haven't seen it anywhere since I bought it so I probably won't find it to purchase again if I lost it.
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