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Written By: MIM!—Born in Bong Mine, Liberia, Zoe (pronounced So-i) Mazah is a German-Liberian singer (her mother is Liberian and her father is German) whose heavily reggae influenced music has earned her acclaim with critics and fans alike. Among her biggest hits are Could It Be You a sweet, groovy, love song featuring Ky-Mani Marley. Although Zoe and her family left Liberia shortly after her birth, her music is firmly rooted in her birthplace. This is most evident in her album Exile African, which features songs such as Liberia (featuring Chuck Fender) where she laments, "I don't know where home has gone." Learn more about this woman of Soul.Substance.Style by visiting myspace.com/zoeonline.
(Photo Credits: Zoe Mazah EPK)