Happy Earth Day Lovelies!
No Fashion post today!
Take a few moments today to look around you and appreciate how beautiful our wonderful planet is. Sometimes, it's so easy to take everything for granted and forget how precious this world is.
We are so lucky to be alive to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us every single day! Just look at this Alligator! I snapped his picture while I was out for a walk by the lake one afternoon two weeks ago.

He just looked so peaceful sleeping up by the shore, I just sat and watched him for a little while. I know many of my readers don't live in an area where you see Alligators so you might think I'm crazy for getting so close to him, but they are actually quite peaceful animals.

I feel so blessed to live in an area where I get to see such amazing, beautiful things on a daily basis. Enjoy a few more photos of my home and Earth as I get to see it!
No Fashion post today!
Take a few moments today to look around you and appreciate how beautiful our wonderful planet is. Sometimes, it's so easy to take everything for granted and forget how precious this world is.
We are so lucky to be alive to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us every single day! Just look at this Alligator! I snapped his picture while I was out for a walk by the lake one afternoon two weeks ago.

He just looked so peaceful sleeping up by the shore, I just sat and watched him for a little while. I know many of my readers don't live in an area where you see Alligators so you might think I'm crazy for getting so close to him, but they are actually quite peaceful animals.

I feel so blessed to live in an area where I get to see such amazing, beautiful things on a daily basis. Enjoy a few more photos of my home and Earth as I get to see it!