Written By: Suzanne Brume—If you read statistics on the preventable health conditions we face in our time, it is staggering. We have increased the obesity rate phenomenally, and in turn, made ourselves more prone to all sorts of diseases. Some of these diseases are heart diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. I am fairly certain that we all know someone suffering from something on that list ... I would really implore you to be the individual that puts health first in the African community. Be the infection into your society so people can start thinking about fitness again. We should be concerned with fitness as a whole—body image and health. After all, you’re stuck with one body for life, so why not treat it well so you can be proud to be in it for years to come? Get inspired by reading Your Body Is A Temple and to read more from me, visit my blog Eights And Weights.
(Photo Credits: © Fuse / PunchStock) (Model Used Solely For Illustrative Purposes)