Written By: Ekene Agabu—I am at that point in life where if I am not at a wedding, I am either coming from one or going to one. Most of my peers have supposedly found their life partners and are ready to make it legit, in other words, legitimize their union religiously and legally. Everything leading up to the wedding day is usually exciting, but many at times there’s that 3 AM phone call I get 6 months after the wedding that tells me we might be closer to the courthouse than we were to the church.
I’m sure you’ve heard phrases like, “He’s the one’ or ‘I’ve found my soul mate.” Ok, if that’s true, why are you looking for a way out from ‘the one?’ Don’t get me wrong, I believe in love and finding the ONE, but more so, I am a bigger believer in the path that leads you to the ONE. You’ll come to realize that as individuals, we have more control over the path we take than the actual destination. Most times, the path has a way of revealing what the eventual destination will be like. You must understand that there is only one ONE, and that ONE is YOU. Until you become the one, this process of finding the other one may lead to quite a number of errors, and in some cases, fatal errors. There are 5 things you must consider before you get to the altar or courthouse especially if you want to make it your last trip.
(Photo Credits: © Oceanphotography / Veer) (Models Used Solely For Illustrative Purposes)