Written By: MIM!—Try this refreshing banana avocado smoothie recipe from Marcus Samuelsson, The Master Chef of MIMI's Hot 21, and try more of his recipes by searching www.KitchenDaily.com's recipe archives.

You will need: 1 avocado, peeled and pitted || 1/2 cup orange juice || 2 tablespoons honey || juice from one lime || 1/2 teaspoon salt || 2 bananas, chopped || 1/4 cup plain yogurt || 1 tablespoon grated ginger || 1/4 cup vanilla ice cream.
Combine the avocado, orange juice, bananas, ginger, honey and yogurt in a blender and puree until smooth, and then mix in the lime juice and salt.
(Photo Credits: © Veer / Pablo Hernan)