The oh so preppy button down polo dress has usually been a turn off for me, but after seeing this amazingly cut dress with perfect geometric pattern i began to think of the possibilities... Ben Sherman Jasmine Dress $69, Urban Outfitters
Also, I love this girls hair

I got bored, (once again) today and rode my bike over to a new little vintage store. It wasn't so much vintage as is was old clothes from brands like old navy ans express with the occasional designer dress thrown in. There were boxes and boxes of clothing and shoes piled in the back and I really wish i could have seen it all, because the owner told me she had tons of size 8 1/2 - 9 vintage shoes! they're hard to find usually. But i picked up these while I was there and I know I'll be back for more.
Vintage, Navy, Snake skin, peep toe heels, $12.99

Vintage, Navy, Snake skin, peep toe heels, $12.99