My Parents have decided to let me wallpaper my room. And although our budget isn't quite $115 a roll I'm having a lot of fun browsing through tons of colorful vintage wallpaper from the 60's and 70's. I want to plaster my walls with all this color! I'm going to start buying wall paper inspired fabric from thrift stores and making dresses because all these intricate florals aren't enough to simply look at.
8/18 - 19
Wow, I guess you could say i blew off "THE" shopping event of the summer this weekend. I went to Le Garage Sale but left soon after entering.
My mom got me this amazing vintage lunch box from the 70's, i love it (it's also some what wall paper inspired).

My friend and i managed to go down South Congress, South First, and Guadalupe (all the big shopping streets) in about one day, it was unbelievably tiring, but i came home with a few neat buys. Today I got extremely bored so i walked over to a little thrift store in search of high waisted jeans to alter. I ended up with 3 shirts and some wonderful bell bottoms that I promptly ruined.
The Outfit:
90's Leggings $12, Feathers Vintage
Black AA V-neck $3, new at a thrift store
Belt $2, Second Hand
Minnetonka Booties $28, Buffalo Exchange