Baby, It's Cold Outside
Oh baby, its cold outside....I am sitting typing at the computer with the heating on full blast, the fire crackling (well, it's gas so I guess it doesn't really crackle- it kind of "pops"!), a water bottle on my lap, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders, thick bed socks on my tootsies and STILL I am cold! Brrrrr, it seems that winter has definitely arrived in ye olde London town. A hearty slice of steak and portobello mushroom pie (courtesy of M&S) and a glass of Egg Nog (hic!) should help to keep Jack Frost from nipping off my nose (and toes!)
Thought I would share with you our wee trip out to Richmond Park on Saturday morning with friends. The weather was absolutely smashing- blue skies, crisp and clear- perfect for huntin' some deer! Just joking!! The only shooting I do is banging off a few rounds with my camera :)

Richmond Park was originally a deer hunting park established by Charles 1 in 1637 and still has about 300 Red Deer (which are the ones I photographed) and 350 fallow deer (which look more like Bambi). It is the largest Royal Park in London, covering some 2,500 acres (it felt like we covered every damn one of those acres on Saturday trying to find the way out!) and is popular with horse riders, dog walkers, cyclists and those that just need a break from the hurly burly of city life (like us!)I will definitely be going back next Autumn to photograph the rutting deer (when the stags and bucks compete for the females) as I am dying to hear the clashing of antlers and the primal roar of the male deer. Might need some camo gear (can you imagine me in camo gear?!!) and a nice big zoom lens for that one, I think!
This old chap (above) was one of a couple of people who bid us a good morning- so very polite and something that never happens in the middle of London.