Finally. Actually, we returned to Austin about a week ago but it's been way to hectic to make any posts. Mexico was gorgeous and the perfect break from school. My spanish improved immensely and i'll be returning for a month in the summer. Outfits were a little sub-par, but i did manage to score an amazing leather fringe vest from Zara. Hopefully i'll find some black minnetonka ankle boots so i can get my whole "indian" thing going on. Also, for my birthday i received a book of 100 new fashion designers so i should be making a few posts along those lines... soon. I'll leave you with a look inside my bag, I've always loved the back page of NYLON that details the dissection of some purse so i decided to give it a try.

Clockwise from scarf: h&m, Ink Pens: Jerry's Artarama, Burt's Bees Chapstick: Whole Earth, Lipstick Container: Vintage, Cover Girl Mascara: Pharmacy, Red Wallet: Buffalo Exchange, Stila Smudge Pot: Sephora, Eyeliner Brush: Sephora, Lipstick: MAC, itouch: Apple, Chain Necklace: Vintage, Vogue Spain: Book store, Bag: San Miguel Mexico