Gucci ads long wavy hair, studs, tight pants, leather, military inspired silhouettes, fringe, fur. Everything about the gucci F/W '08 ads screams "luscious", but it's such a funny verb when describing something that I like, Gucci has always seemed like such a glamorous label, fit for people like Monica Bellucci or someone like that. Who would have ever thought that these street kids from the blogging world would ever latch on?
Matthew Palladino amazing artist. I had to choose a piece by someone who utilized watercolors to replicate in art class. I chose this painting "Stay out of the Rose Garden" and on a whim from there created a horridly freakish piece based on a 60's ad for girdles (don't worry, i'll post it soon).
Balmain Dress Erin Wasson works it, but even without her the dress is amazing. look at that bead work! and the color!
Irina Lazareanu I read somewhere she was taking a sort of "break" from being a super model, just being selective with the shows she walks and ad campaigns she participates in. But besides that her style is amazing, quirky, and she manages to soften even the boxiest man-trousers. I'm also considering cutting my hair like hers again, blunt bangs, good idea?
A Room of My Own painting my room this weekend, need to clean out some of the clutter, throw things out, sort things like the organizational freak i am, clean, make my bed. My dream room would of course be a little along the lines of this fairy princess palace...