And then today I had to pop into Oxford Street to pick up the new U2 CD* for Mr Messy's birthday (Happy Birthday Mr Messy!). And I may have made a little detour to Selfridges in the process ;-) So I was happily minding my own business (read: spraying myself with liberal amounts of Tom Ford perfume) when a gentleman asked if I would like to try the new Guerlain fragrance. So I did. And then he asked me what I thought of it. And I told him. Um, that it sort of reminded me of a "nana" fragrance, errr, like something my grandma would have worn (lets just say that it had strong notes of violet). This was obviously not the right thing to say as he looked me up and down disdainfully before flouncing off. I felt bad: I just should have said it smelt "different" or "unusual".
And then I bumped into the girl with the purple shoes in the 4th photo (below) in Boots chemist today. And I felt the compulsion to tell her I had photographed her at LFW last week.....And it was all just a bit embarrassing and weird. I kind of just wanted the ground to swallow me up...
And then there are my various attempts at making conversation on the Tube and....

Loving that red hair: