Behind The Blog: Yoli Ouiya Blogs Eco Chic Living And Green Savings

Yes publication
A while ago, Yes magazine (Dutch female-magazine) asked me if I wanted to do an intervieuw about collecting for my designerbags and do a photoshoot. Because I never did something like this before I decided it would be a nice experience and agreed, so here are pics from the magazine. The photographer will send me the other pics she took, so I can post some more.
Shop Allen & Fifth

Happy Freaky Friday

Running With The Fash Pack....London Fashion Week A/W 2010

Edit: Okily, I know I lot of you were wondering what Peony was wearing in these photos so Peony was kind enough to email me the details:
Second 2 photos: "The cardigan is Zara, the belt is Gap kids (i have had it since i was nine, which means it is 13 years old!!!), the shoes are Russell and Bromley, the dress was Peter Pilotto and a huge spend for me (from his first collection before they were really a big deal), although the trench and fur wasn't included* it was a Burberry (and from the sample sale, it was £75, and both me and Rowan love to go to sample sales and often get our designer items from them) and the fur was vintage (and a gift from my mothers friend, it used to be hers, she is now in her 80s!)".
*I asked Peony if she wouldn't mind taking off her trench and fur because I loved her dress so much. Hence they aren't in the photos.
First 2 photos: "The hat was Joseph (a present from my mother), the scarf is McQueen (from Biechester village- this is an outlet village for any non-UK blog readers), the jacket is Hugo Boss, the Fur gilet is Zara, the trousers are American Apparel, and the shoes are Giuseppe Zanotti (on sale from Joseph).
In reference to the comments about my mini Birkin, it was a birthday present from my parents and it is second hand from a dealer in Hong Kong.....I am obviously incredibly lucky to have any of these things, but you can also see that not everything is designer, and I believe style has much more to do with person appropriation, of many different sources; vintage, thrift, designer, high street, in order to assimilate a great combination. I would never dress head to toe in any label, and I know Rowan wouldn't either (even if we could afford it)".
Brilliantly put, Peony, and I couldn't agree more. I think Caroline Issa (who is wearing customised Gap with designer in the photo a couple of posts above) is a perfect example of this.
Running With The Fash Pack....London Fashion Week A/W 2010

Running With The Fash Pack...London Fashion Week A/W 2010
Running With The Fash Pack...London Fashion Week A/W 2010

I really like her navy and white striped shirt (it is definitely something I would wear). It looks very much like Vivienne Westwood???? Anyone know? Her handbag is Westwood.
Junior Street Style....London Fashion Week A/W 2010

MIMI Exclusive: àlalá's Dreamy Collection

Running With The Fash Pack....London Fashion Week A/W 2010

So, what were the big trends off the runway? I am thinking hats (for the boys and the girls); lace-up heeled/wedged boots; fur (both real and fake); hooded coats, capes and anoraks; leather, leather and even more leather (skirts, shorts, jackets, trousers); Alexander Wang bags; super long, black fitted skirts (which were a challenge on the cobblestones when coupled with mile high heeled boots); black lace (skirts, leggings, bodysuits); red lips; studding and spikes on just about everything (I even saw a transparent raincoat today with spikes!); Chanel nail polish in Particuliere (or inspired by it, anyway). Oh, and, um umbrellas!
I have oodles of photos to show you over the coming weeks (and hopefully lots from Paris!) so stay tuned.

Rowan was also wearing a ice blue Alexander McQueen skull scarf around her neck which I know you can't really see. He might not be with us any longer but his incredible contribution to fashion will linger forever.

Running With The Fash Pack....London Fashion Week A/W 2010

Talking of Burberry, is it possible to want one of almost everything in the collection?Yes, Yes, YES!
Running With The Fash Pack...London Fashion Week A/W 2010

Natalie has a blog called Canned Fashion. Her coat is vintage, trousers by H&M, GAP sweater, Pierre Hardy for GAP heels, and vintage Vuitton handbag.

Running With The Fash Pack...London Fashion Week A/W 2010
Running With The Fash Pack....London Fashion Week A/W 2010

For Reading (above)
For protection from the non-stop rain! (below)

Junior Street Style....London Fashion Week A/W 2010

Blogger drawings
For people who also want a drawing:
- please post the link to your blog in "comments"
- the picture should show enough details.
- your head should be on it, I do not like a "headless" drawing, hehe
Original picture: click here click on drawing to see full size
Indie Inspiration: AfriqueLaChic

Blogger award
1. Thank the blogger who gave you the award
2. Place the award on your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you
4. Share 7 facts about yourself
5. Nominate 7 other bloggers
So here seven facts about me:
1. I think most people already know, but I am a dentist, not an assistant, but really the dentist, and yes patiënts are often surprised by that too! And I decided to become one when I was five.
2. I am featured in the Yes magazine with an interview and photoshoot, I will post pictures soon!
3. Besides fashion I am very interested in art and soon I will incorporate this part of me in my blog too.
4. I have a rabbit and his name is Puk, he walks around in my home and when my boyfriend isn't at home he sleeps next to me in the bed, else he sleeps besides the bed and wakes me up in the morning by jumping on me. And he understands commands!
5. I am going to New York with my five best friends in May and I can't wait. One of them lived there for three months and knows all the places to be, and the bouncers too, so we don't have to stand in line!!!
6. I have a boyfriend for 8,5 years and I am still crazy about him, and he thinks I am crazy, because I love to look at blogs so much.
7. I have a Balenciaga addiction; I now have five and one on its way to me! And although they kinda look the same, I just can't get enough of them....
So here my seven fabulous bloggers, if you don't know them already, you should definetly take a look!!!!!
1. mystyleoffashion.blogspot.com
2. this chicksgotstyle
3. comeovertothedarksidewehavecandy
4. copper-and-curls
5. mode-rosa
6. chouchou-robine
7. mystyleoffashion