Written By: MIM!—Designer Adejoké Taiwo got the itch for fashion when she was in grade school, taking her first sewing lesson when she was six years old. Her education continued with studies in Costume Cutting and Construction at Red Deer College (Red Deer, Alberta, Canada) in 2003 and a Bachelor of Design in Fashion from Ryerson University School of Fashion (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) in 2008. That Fall, she launched her fashion label, àlalá, which in Yorùbá means dreamer. Adejoké explains, "All children have dreams, but as we grow many of those dreams are stopped short due to unsupportive people. Fortunately my family has always been very supportive. Many people have told me 'I'm not good enough' and asked 'You really want to do that?', but that just makes me try harder to prove them wrong." MIMI caught up with the dreamer at heart to find out more about her label àlalá.

MIM!: In three words, describe the àlalá aesthetic.
Adejoké Taiwo: Sexy. Fresh. Interesting.
MIM!: What inspires you?
Adejoké Taiwo: I am inspired most by the world and the people I meet. Everyone has an interesting story to tell and almost always you can draw inspiration from that.
MIM!: Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
Adejoké Taiwo: My parents have been the biggest influence in my life. My parents were immigrant students to Canada in the 1970's, and they raised all three children with the right to make their own choices and follow their dreams.

MIM!: Describe a defining moment in your career?
Adejoké Taiwo: My career is still new! I have been creating fashions my whole life...but so far the defining moment would be to graduate University with a serious injury (nerve damage to my right leg) and to immediately become accepted as one of 14 contestants on season two of Project Runway Canada.
MIM!: With so many young designers emerging, where do you fit in the scene?
Adejoké Taiwo: Hm, I'd have to say that we are almost all the same! Which is the tough part. What sets me apart in the end would have to be my, quality, fit, and interesting fabrications.
Get more information at www.adejoke.com.
(Photo Credits: Provided Courtesy Of àlalá)