Dear MIMI-istas,
I am writing to ask you to please contribute to the development of research about African women's experiences in the Diaspora by taking some time from your day to participate in the Threads Of Our Fabric survey. Started by Sharon Asonganyi, MPH, Threads Of Our Fabric is a project that seeks to collect data about the mental and psychological issues affecting African women and girls, with the goal of developing meaningful mental health programs tailored to African women. Here is what Sharon shared with me about the project:
As you may already know, not much exists when it comes to information or research about the African woman's experience particularly in the Diaspora. Threads of our Fabric is an endeavor that is quite dear to my heart. I have spent exactly half of my life in Cameroon and the other half in the U.S. Throughout my stay in America, there has been a constant struggle to assimilate cultural and social values from both worlds as they shape my life experience and identity. Threads Of Our Fabric was born out of a desire to collect stories and live experiences from African women and give an honest presentation of the influence of society and culture on the sense of “self” and how it permeates different areas of their lives.My vision is for empowered, mentally healthy women with less inner “self” turmoil that are liberated to become all that they aspire to be and hold true to Sankofa–it is never late to go back and take hold of purpose and destiny in one’s life or support other African sisters nurture or reclaim theirs. Your input would be priceless in informing the presentation of this project and its use in developing programs for African women and girls.
Take the Threads Of Our Fabric survey by visiting the following link: www.surveymonkey.com/s/NPVKVRR, and thank you in advance for making a difference.
Keep shining,
Lola K.
Editor-in-Chief MIMI Magazine
(Photo Credits: © iStockPhoto/ OOxOO) (Model Used Solely For Illustrative Purposes)