Written By: MIM!—Piece is a collaboration between piece founder Eugenie Drakes, master beader Beauty Maswanganyi, winner of the AngloGold Auditions 2009 competition Kristen Malan, and Mijou Beller. Paying tribute to the people and creative power of Africa, the collection features ostrich shell beads made by the Bushmen in Namibia using the First Peoples’ techniques that are some 30 000 years old; trade route connections with Persia, China and Europe are reflected in the colourful glass beads which were used as a means of barter; cast bronze beads acknowledge the importance of the African Blacksmith within ancient rural communities; hand-made precious wood beads from Mozambique display Africa’s natural abundance; as do magnificent cowrie shells, long used as currency in West Africa and believed to promote fertility; and topped off with coral, symbolising rank and wealth, protecting the land’s fertility, and rarest amber, ever seen as an investment and mark of status.

Established nine years ago, piece continues to celebrate Southern African artistic expression. The store in Johannesburg is a treasure trove of colour and imagination, with accessories for person and home. Expect the unexpected - this is craft with attitude where old meets new and contemporary design meets ancient tradition. Every piece has a story to tell – the history, the places, and the people that created it. Piece is constantly exploring new ideas with Southern Africa’s new and established crafters.
(Photo Credits: Simon Deiner / SDR Photo)