Arranged into four parts: You, Love, Work and Friends[,] Heaven in Your Handbag looks at the very things we talk about, think about, laugh about, cry about, exploring these issues with God at the centre. You see he's always been there, it's just a case of us not always being aware of it. The book started off as a series of emails, call it an e-ministry, sent out to a group of girlfriends, that organically grew in an attempt to answer the questions of the everyday and our place in them. But, for all the "heaviness" of the material, there are elements of light relief. Disaster dates, wardrobe envy, slovenly attitudes to work and heartbreak all make an appearance in a book that aims be small enough to fit into the smallest of clutches and honest enough to touch the most hardened of hearts.
For more information, visit www.heaveninyourhandbag.com.
(Photo Credits: Book Cover Art)