Written By: Nani Hapa—The reality bug has bitten television presenter Nonhle Thema who is executive producing and starring in her own reality television series Nonhle Goes To Hollywood. The show follows Nonhle as she starts from the bottom and tries to climb up the Hollywood ladder one audition at a time. Frankly, I am surprised that she has to prove herself in Hollywood when she is a bonafide star in South Africa with endorsements from international brands such as Dark & Lovely ... she's the real deal! But for now, all we can do is tune to find out if her celebrity will translate across borders and catapult her into Hollywood. Watch the drama and fun filled episodes of Nonhle's ups and downs in Hollywood by visiting DStv's Vuzu channel at Vuzu.DStv.com/nonhle.
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(Photo Credits: © Vuzu TV)