This is a still from Jack Smith's Flaming Creatures. It was his only film ever truly considered to be "finished" it was also banned in several cities and countries because of its controversial content. The public's reception of Smith's first film greatly impacted his drive to create more films. He was upset that his work was banned and because of this directed Normal Love, a film he felt could not and would not be banned.

This is a photograph from the ballet Beauty and the Beast that Tony Duquette designed the costumes and set for. Duquette and Smith were active during roughly the same time period but they existed in completely different socioeconomic circles. Both the work of Duquette and Smith shows the same type of fascination with "exotic" color palettes and over the top scenery. I imagine the two would have made some amazing work together.
Tony Duquette, being primarily an interior designer, is best known for his elaborate and decadent rooms like the one above.