As Miss Kenya Swiss 2006, Evelyn will be the spokesperson for the Kenyan Community in Switzerland and will, during her reign throughout 2007, be involved in charity activities both in Kenya and Switzerland. Evelyn has chosen integration and racism as one of the issues Kenyans in Switzerland face, and tribalism, corruption and HIV/Aids as one of the issues confronting Kenyans in Kenya; and she plans on using her status as Miss Kenya Swiss to generate public awareness of these issues.
2007 promises to be a busy year for Evelyn, who was also the 1st runner up of Miss Zurich a few months before she became Miss Kenya Swiss, and therefore doubles as the current deputy Miss Zurich. Get your updates about Miss Kenya Swiss at www.kenyaswiss.net
(Photo Credits: Provided Courtesy of Winnie Ojanga for Miss Kenya Swiss)
MIMI Lifestyle Link: Vanity Fair www.mimimagazine.com/april2006/02-04-kenyaswiss01.html