Looks like Presley Chweneyagae, the star of last year's Oscar-winning South African film TSOTSI is in a little bit of trouble. BBC is reporting that he was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly possessing a fake driver's license. So far, not much has been divulged about the incident, other than that he was caught when he attempted to convert a forged Ivory Coast license into a South African one. Chweneyagae's in the clear for now as his case was postponed until late February to give him time to complete work abroad. BBC's got the full story at: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6297739.stm
(Photo Credits: Provided Courtesy of Tsotsi Films)
MIMI Mambo Link: Coming To Theatres: TSOTSI www.mimimagazine.com/february2006/02-02-tsotsi01.html