Oprah's Gift To South Africa's Girls

Former South African President Nelson Mandela and local dignitaries joined Oprah Winfrey in celebrating the opening of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls ‐ South Africa—a private learning and residential environment for grades 7‐12 that engenders high standards of academic achievement and service leadership for girls who show outstanding promise despite their social circumstances. "I know that this Academy will change the trajectory of these girls’ lives," said Oprah Winfrey. "They will excel and pass their excellence on to their families, their nation, and our world."

"This school will provide opportunities to some of our young people they could never imagine, had it not been for Oprah. The key to any country’s future is in educating its youth. Oprah is therefore not only investing in a few young individuals but in the future of our country. We are indebted to her for her selfless efforts. This is a lady that has, despite her own disadvantaged background, become one of the benefactors of the disadvantaged throughout the world and we should congratulate her for that," said Nelson Mandela.

To find out more about the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, please visit www.oprahwinfreyleadershipacademy.org

(Photo Credits: Daniel Ingegneri)

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