I love photographing teenagers: there is something about their fun, "up for anything" unselfconsciousness and genuineness in front of the camera that is wonderful to capture.......One of my dreams is to do a shoot for Teen Vogue (c'mon, a girl's got to have BIG dreams, non?!) I also love just chatting to teenagers - listening to their hopes and dreams for the future, hearing about what's cool right now, their tastes in music and fashion. It puts me in touch with my inner teenager which still lurks in me somewhere despite it being, oh, some 10 years since I was a teenager ;-) ;-) ;-)
As with Ellrimmer who I photographed last week, Alva (above) and Louise (below) look like teenagers i.e. age appropriate. They aren't trying to look 25 and heck, as we* all know, youth is fleeting.....or at least it feels that way. So even though Alva is wearing heels, they are sturdy 8 eyelet Doc Martens so she doesn't look at all like she is tottering around in her mum's "borrowed" shoes.

This was not my finest photographic moment (which noodle-head put their overstuffed bag smack bang in the middle of the photo?Mmmmm oh yes, that would be me!) but I wanted to show you Alva's DM's:

And how cute does Louise look? When I asked if I could take her photo her friend goes "See, I told you you look hot today!!!" Check the little piece of tape holding her glasses together!

I asked Louise what she wanted to do when she left school. Her answer: A geophysicist! Both girls are beautiful but obviously very intelligent as well (Alva is thinking of starting her own blog: Do it, Do it, Alva).

From today onwards, I am going to be asking the people I photograph the following two questions: what was the last thing they purchased and what's on their "wishlist" (they don't have to be fashion purchases but things will probably lead that way). I am a naturally curious (sounds better than nosy, huh?) so I guess this is a way of me finding out a bit more info about the person and also gives me something to write about if I am running out of ideas :) :)
I didn't get to ask Alva because I photographed her last week, but Louise's last purchase was the Diesel "Mad Max" Hoodie she is wearing in the photo (together with the little vintage scarf tied around her handbag). On her radar for the future? A glittery gold vintage jacket from Beyond Retro!

*meaning those of us over the age of 25 who are now spending our "pocket money" on anti-ageing creams rather than on a bottle of Sun-In!