Boys and Girls
This is Paul's slice of pavement
You just walkin' on it
So from the front to the back lemme see where you at
Go on and flaunt it
Get on it!"*
Sooooo, this is Paul. And his bitchin' ride? It be the 3G STEPPER. Take a long hard look at it. Do y'all see what it is missing? (this is like doing one of those "Spot the 5 differences in the photo" puzzles in the London Lite paper) A SEAT!!! No seat I hear you cry! What the?! Nope, no seat. This little baby is gonna rip you some abs you will want to eat dinner off, give you a pair of pins fit for those Halston Cluny cutout boots you've been eyeing off and don't even get me started on the cardio benefits. All while cruising about town looking cool as sh*t. People are going to notice you riding this bike- I know this first hand because Paul was attracting a lot of stares when he was cruising around Brick Lane on Sunday. And its eco friendly as well: what more could you want? So how does it work? Here's the blurb:
"The 3G stepper combines the functionality of a bike with the dynamics of a cross-trainer, to give a full body workout whilst gliding effortlessly around town. The 3G is a seat less bike propelled when the rider pushes down on the two steps whilst standing (arguably better for the posture). It cruises at around 15mph and can be ridden for an hour or more comfortably. It comes in 5 models including one made especially for kids and one for teenagers."
Put your hands up who wants one? I see my hand up in the air waving about!
Where can you find out more? You can contact Paul on his MySpace page (simple genius). Paul is the UK distributor for the 3G Stepper and they are going to be launching le hip treadly in May. Otherwise you can email me and I will put you in touch with Paul.
Get on it.

I LOVE Paul's belt....the detail in that claw of a hand is amazing. Paul is a modern urban eco warrior and pretty much only wears reworked and/or eco friendly clothing.