Written By: MIM!—"Do I have to get nude to be a supermodel?" Tanzania's Flaviana Matata asks this provocative question as she shares her perspective on what it is like to be a Tanzanian model grounded in traditional values while working in a profession. She continues:
Modeling in Tanzania is a relative[ly] new profession and has been misjudged often to be a promiscuous job. It has taken time to gain some acceptance within the society. But what makes things more difficult has been the more modern clothes that are often short or revealing. For instance, posing in a swimsuit could be deemed ‘immoral’ or ‘loose’, and may even result in the family exerting influence on models to stop modeling. Swimsuits have slowly become more acceptable in everyday and also in magazines although tolerance is still very little in the case of local models.
Read more from Flaviana by visiting her Global Grind blog at: www.globalgrind.com/user/flavianamatata.
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"I love giving advice and helping as much as I can so feel free to contact me if you also need any advice" blogs Eritrean model Elsabel Yemane. And it's true. On her blog, Model Behavior, Elsabel gives an insider's perspective about what it is like try and make it as a model: castings, photoshoots ... and in case it doesn't work out, a Plan B, university. Visit www.elsabelonline.blogspot.com for more model behavior.
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"I look much younger than my actual age," Iman shares on her blog. Exactly how old is Iman? Who really cares when she shares refreshingly candid posts about everything from her spending habits on what she calls "a Bowie budget" to music, fashion ... and even health. Read more by visiting: www.imancosmetics.com/blog.