Written By: Mimi Tsiane—It's hot out there and if you are in my neck of the woods then it's probably scorching hot. While the rest of the world may be guzzling water and taking refuge in their homes, you can make the most of your summer by keeping your life and style as hot as the weather. Here's how:
1. Lay it on thick. Sun screen, sun block? Yes, contrary to popular belief black skin does require protection from the sun rays. So give the baby oil a rest and invest in a product that will not only give you skin a little shimmer but give it a boost of 30 (SPF).
2. Love it. Life that is. Waiting for that phone to ring, staring at your cell phone furiously, so yesterday. This summer make a pact; be responsible for your happiness. Go out, travel (road trip, weekend getaway, or go all out by getting on a plane to a vacation destination) and take advantage of the warm weather.
3. Live it up. Try something new and fun. Use local newspapers, or your local library as resources for the latest happenings in your neighborhood such as festivals and fares. Alternatively, make your own fun by inviting family and friends for a braai (barbecue), add a little music and usher the summer with a little style.
4. Laugh it off. Laughter is the best medication. Yes, I said medication! Find something that tickles you. Whether it is a movie, going to a comedy club or spending time with that friend that you find hysterical. Enjoy the little pleasures in life.
5. Lounge around. The days are longer, the nights sweltering with heat and possibility. This is a great time to read a book, have a facial, pedicure, take longer showers or anything else to indulge yourself. If you're not flying solo, snuggle with a loved one and enjoy some much needed quiet time under the stars.