Written By: Nani Hapa—This past week, on June 14th, our favorite "go-getta" Stella Mwangi released the second single off of her upcoming project. The track, Smile, is a synth-bupple-pop song, that's perfect for the summer. You can hear the single by visiting Stella's official website: www.stellamwangi.com, and if you missed her first single, Favorite, you can get the details right here on MIMI's blog.
The girl is busy, but check out the next issue of MIMI, where Stella Mwangi is not only going to have a feature story, but she's also going to be on the cover! I can't share too much about the cover as it's still a work in progress, but I will share that Stella did a modern update on a retro look for the photoshoot that only she could pull off and she's never looked better. If you want to be a part of the next issue of MIMI, get the details here.