Written By: Otae Ubomba-Jaswa—

Head Designer: Arnold Haas
Style Notes: Unique accessories, woven, ancient, Ethiopian.

Background: WUBET is a line of handbags and shawls made from authentic Ethiopian fabrics in modern designs. From small bags to clutches and even a new ipod bag in Ethiopian cotton, these designs prove that the synergy between culture and contemporary style lives on. Weaving in Ethiopia is an art practiced as far back as the Middle Ages. The designs of the Tibeb are seemingly infinite in number with colourful geometric designs.

Why You Should Know WUBET: Short of making a trip to Ethiopia, it’s pretty difficult to find any of these textiles outside the country. Moreover, WUBET’s designs are effortlessly contemporary meaning you can incorporate these accessories into your everyday style.
(Photo Credits: WUBET)