Written By: Nani Hapa—Artist Delphine Diallo first dazzled critics and art connoisseurs alike with her richly textured photographs layered with patterns extracted from the textiles, totemic animals, and plants. Armed with impressive credentials (Delphine is a graduate of the Académie Charpentier School of Visual Arts) and innate creativity, Delphine has worn many titles including, director, filmmaker, photographer and video editor, among others, and worked with an array of clients in the entertainment and other industries, including most recently, Les Nubians. (Delphine shot the Fall 2010 double covers of MIMI featuring soul sisters Hélène and Célia Faussart.)
Now, Delphine is dazzling the art world once again with her new photography project Queen(s) of New York, a stunning collection of modern photographs reminiscent of vintage colonial posters.

Delphine shares about Queen(s) of New York:
"Once upon a time in New York city, there were Queens. Coming from Africa, South-America, Europe or Asia, they are a new generation of women that inspire me. They represent the diversity, the mix of cultures and the energy of the city. More than just aesthetic portrait, it was an outward manifestation of their identity and their inter-relatedness with their natural and spiritual power. I use the graphic design of the so-called exotic postcards and I subvert them, My queens are not a colonial dream. I shoot Laura, Katie, Mengly, Monica, Dina, Azza, Keeya … They are my peers."
To see more from Delphine's stunning portfolio, featuring the Queen(s) of New York collection as well as other new works, visit Delphine's official website www.delphinediawdiallo.com as well as her blog, www.delphinediallo.wordpress.com.
(Photo Credits: © Delphine Diallo)