Written By: Kara Weeks—Aargh! I remember as a child, I could not wait to become a teenager. And as a teenager, I could not wait to be a young adult, so I could hang out with the college kids. Entering college, I wanted to be 21 and above, truly independent …nobody telling me what to do, who to see, where to go. I am past that point now, in my mid-twenties, and how I wish I could go back to those golden years of my childhood.
Being an adult is not all it’s cracked up to be. Nobody told me about all the "un-fun" responsibilities that come along with adulthood. And if they told me, they probably sugarcoated it. So here I am, about to graduate with my second degree, about to go out into the real world, and I have come to the realization that being an independent adult ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Case in point … I have written and rewritten at least ten drafts of my resume in the past three months. I have written more than enough cover letters. I have lost track of the number of jobs I have applied for. I currently have accounts on MonsterTrak, Careerbuilder, Yahoo Jobs, and
numerous other job websites. I spend multiple hours a day hunting for jobs. Just looking for a job IS a job in itself. That’s why there are job agencies out there…supposedly taking the stress off you.
I just want some money to live my life. Why didn’t anybody tell me as a child to savor the moments of mummy and daddy paying for everything (well, some of the things) I wanted? Nobody told me that growing up meant I would actually have to get up day in and day out, working at some dreary job just so I could pay bills and taxes (damn you, Mr. IRS Man!). I guess it never really dawned on me that Mummy and Daddy were actually working for that money to buy me pretty dresses, bicycles, and whatnot. Growing up is hard to do!