Okily, it's time to give something back to my lovely blog readers/stalkers who follow me through my ups and downs!
You may recall that I was lucky enough to be taken by Eurostar and We Are Social communications agency to Paris for the day in late July, along with a number of other fashion bloggers from London. Well, now it is your turn to experience your own little break to Paris!
Eurostar and We Are Social have given me a PAIR of Eurostar tickets to give away to one of my blog readers....and they are LEISURE SELECT tickets so that means you get the comfy seats, a yummy meal, free glossy magazines and, the best bit, CHAMPAGNE* on your journey! And because they are a PAIR of tickets, it means you can take your mum, your man, your nana, your girl, your bestie, your doggie or your pet rabbit (actually, probably you can't take your dog or your rabbit but you get the general idea :)) to share in your adventure!
So how do you enter the competition?
All you have to do is write in the comments section of this post what you would do on your little break to Paris. It might be lunch at a three-Michelin-star restaurant, shopping for vintage at Didier Ludot, Bastien de Almeida (BDA) or Puces de Vanves, a wander around the windy, hilly streets of Monmartre and Pigalle (you might even bump into fellow style photographer Fred from Easy Fashion in Paris!), brunch at the Rose bakery in the Marais or Coco&Co in Saint Germain, a night out to the Lido cabaret show, a visit to the La Maison Européenne de la Photographie, a dash up the Eiffel Tower, a day spent strolling in the Tuilleries or the Jardin du Luxembourg, or a journey down into the bowels of the city to visit the Catacombes de Paris.
We Are Social will shortlist the best 5 answers and I get to pick the winner**- yay!
Any Conditions?
Apart from being 18 or over, you must be able to get to St Pancras station (as the journey is from St Pancras to Paris and back again) and travel before the end of October this year.
The competition is open until 6pm on Monday 31 August 2009.
So, get busy with your keyboard and tell us what you would do on your little break if you won the tickets. I would love to hear about the crazy, fun, interesting, fabulous things you would do (although do keep anything x-rated for your own imagination only please :). If nobody enters, I may be forced to enter and win those tickets myself (So PLEASSSSE ENTER!!).
Love this couple (above)- they were from Russia and I photographed them back during the men's collections...
This is Edie from Ireland (below) and I photographed her when I was on my Eurostar/We Are Social "little break". I adored her Ed Hardy t-shirt, little biker boots and frou- frou skirt...not to mention her brother giggling at the "crazy lady with the camera" in the background!
Chasing shadows in Paris:
*Unfortunately this means you have to be 18 or over to enter the competition- sorry guys :(
** Yes, I mean NOOOOOO, I can't be bribed with a Erdem Globe Trotter vanity case! ;-)