Today I was wearing my mouse flats. I love these shoes so much! Everytime I look at them I have a smile on my face and they have the same effect on other people. So, everyday I wear these, my day is filled with laughter! And the mouseflats aren't the only jokes Marc Jacobs put in his collection. He even designed a "jokes line" for Louis Vuitton: bags with jokes printed on it.

But I think the king of the jokes is nobody else but Karl. When Naco-Paris designed a bag with "karl who" on it, he was the first wearing it. And now he is even spotted with mancandy with the same print on a t-shirt! He also did a safety campaign that says:
"It’s yellow, it’s ugly, it doesn’t match anything, but it can save lives"

Cavalli is also in for a joke and for a Halloween party he dressed up as Karl

Another funny designer is Jessica Kagan Cushman. She designed this funny "my other bag is Chanel"-bag. And there are other variatons with brands, like Hermes. And when Chanel came out with bangles that looked exactly like hers, she came out with bangles with "ripped off by Chanel" on it.
But also our own designers, like Antoine Peters are in for a good joke. One of his collections is called "fat people are harder to kidnap" This fat teddybear is part of that collection and also a T-shirt with "be fat be safe" on it.

I know that fashion is supposed to be beautyfull, but I think jokes in fashion can make people happy and what is more important than that?
If you have another funny example please post it in the comments, I would love to see more fashion jokes!