So you came into this world looking a little less than perfect, what a tragedy. I do not mean to be callous but let's face it, we all have something that we would like to change about ourselves. As irony would have it, we want a little more, where we have less, and we want a little less where we have more. However, in the words of Tom Gunn of Project Runway “make it work Yes I am talking to you. M-A-K-E I-T W-O-R-K!
Maybe that is a bit too simplistic, after all some insecurities are ingrained from many years of self deprecation and other people's unwarranted observations. Although it has been said time and time again, no one is perfect, and you should take comfort in knowing that.
What distinguishes a secure person from one who is insecure is not beauty, but is the ability to live with flaws. Moving to loving your flaws, well that takes a concerted effort. You should have a realistic understanding of who you are. This means, among other things, recognizing that your body's proportions are what they no matter what your dress size, knowing that you are beautiful no matter what shape your facial features are composed of. Be aware of your good and bad points, know your limitations and know where you need help. Compensate for the areas where you lack by looking within and making a conscious decision to focus on what you can change and accepting what you cannot. In short be self-aware. Then you can be open to consulting others in areas where you need help.
Frustration and self-loathing may be the result of being unrealistic in seeing the truth.. Acknowledging our flaws and accepting them will make us accept flaws in others because we know that imperfection. abounds in everyone. In the words of Reinhold Niebuhr: "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the. difference."
Loving Our Flaws was originally published in MIMI's January 2007 issue.
(Photo Credits: Ekaterina Monakhova / iStockphoto) (Model Used Solely For Illustrative Purposes)