You need:
- small beads
- big beads
- cotton wool
- pendants
- scissors
The knotting is inspired by the scooby doo technique. Here you can see how to make the knots: scooby-doo technique
The first bracelet is made with "rechte knoop techniek" make two knots and add a small bead on every string. keep knotting till it almost fits your wrist, add a small pendant, like a small coin. make two knots, like on the lower picture and finish the ending with a small bead.
(you can also choose to make three or four knots between the beads)
The second bracelet is made with the "hele weitas knoop" when you made a left and a right knot you add two beads on the side. End the same way as the first bracelet.
The third bracelet is just 5 beads with the "weitas knoop" so it gives a spinning effect. End the same way as the first bracelet.
The last bracelet is the same as the second. But instead of two central strings, you use one. And you add the big beads every two knots on the central string instead of the side strings.
Hope everything is clear! Make your own variations and make your friends happy with them, my friends were very happy with them!
If you still have some questions, I would love to answer them!