So the other day I was schlepping around Soho with my camera when I spotted Joe. I really liked his preppy look (I suspect a lot of guys wouldn't button their cardi?) and when I asked if I could take his photo for my blog he was like "Alright, go on then!". It turns out Joe is Joe Jackson, an up and coming actor, who plays the role of Jay in the new Nick Love film "The Firm", a remake of the classic tv film about British football hooliganism in the 80's. You might have seen the posters for The Firm on the sides of the red buses tootling about London- if not, look out for them: Joe is 1st from centre on the right.
Joe and I had a great chat (he admitted that he thought I may have been paparazzi at first- eek!) and it turns out he has never had an formal acting training...he was introduced to Nick Love when he was making The Football Factory and things progressed from there. This is his biggest role so far (3rd lead) but I predict even bigger things in the future for Mr Joe Jackson.
See, dreams can come true :)))
p.s. Click on the link to The Firm for the kickin' 80's soundtrack. I have been bopping around to
Tainted Love (Soft Cell), Get Down on It (Kool and The Gang) and Mad World (Tears for Fears) while uploading photos!