A very quick post before I head into the fashion trenches....I am doing street style photos for British Vogue this fashion week and am beyond excited! Six months ago, when I started photographing street style photos 'seriously', I never imagined that I would have this opportunity (although I might have secretly dreamt about it ;-)). Actually, just getting to step into the hallowed floors of the Vogue offices was amazing- as I sat tightly clutching my portfolio in reception a couple of months ago (trying not to let me knees knock together), Alexandra Shulman strode past: it was rather like being in the presence of a Supreme Court Judge.... exhilarating and awe inspiring! The Vogue team were absolutely lovely....and yes, they really are fabulously dressed ALL THE TIME.
So, wish me luck and if you see me with my camera, come and say hello! I would love to meet you all if you are around this week at LFW. Anyone who has been shot by me knows I love a chat (although my mind went strangely blank yesterday when I was interviewed by a radio station- must practice my answers better ;-)