"Once upon a time in New York city, there were Queens. Coming from Africa, South-America, Europe or Asia, they are a new generation of women that inspire me. They represent the diversity, the mix of cultures and the energy of the city. More than just aesthetic portrait, it was an outward manifestation of their identity and their inter-relatedness with their natural and spiritual power. I use the graphic design of the so-called exotic postcards and I subvert them, My queens are not a colonial dream. I shoot Laura, Katie, Mengly, Monica, Dina, Azza, Keeya … They are my peers."
"Love at Dawn is a romance-suspense novel set in a fictional African country called Zamzudan (based on my experiences in living in several hilly cities in Western Africa). It is a country that also incoporates the Swahilian language and at times, rests on the culture of Swahili speaking countries. The novel features a major beloved character from Love in Paradise, Tory Da-Silva. Many readers, after reading Love in Paradise wanted to read a love story of Tory, and it took approximately a year for me to figure out her own happilly-ever-after. While I hope readers will love the story of Tory Da-Silva and enjoy the suspense I worked so thoroughly hard to achieve in the novel, I still will enjoy this moment, realizing that it is mine to cherish and savor after a year long of work."
My (True) Fairy Tale from Strongheart on Vimeo.