Outfit: Big shoulders + electric blue

Electric blue and shoulder pads are my favourites this season! I was lucky to snatch this blazer at the zara today (was regretting not-buying it for weeks..)

And I am on the 5 preview blog check it out here!

Fashion Conscious: 46664 Bangles

Written By: Staff Writer—46664 takes its name from Nelson Mandela’s Robben Island prison number; he was prisoner number 466, incarcerated in 1964. Inspired by the vision and leadership of Nelson Mandela, 46664 is an African response to the global HIV AIDS epidemic that invites the whole world to take the fight in hand. The idea for the 46664 bangle was born out of a need to provide ongoing funding for the 46664 campaign, and to directly influence the lives of those who are most affected by HIV AIDS. When you buy a 46664 bangle jewellery item (also known as a 46664 bracelet or wristband) you are not making a once-off donation to charity, you are helping to form a sustainable revenue stream that will benefit 46664's programs to help prevent the spread of HIV AIDS and to fund community organisation that assist those most affected by this epidemic. It's more than a fashion statement, it's an affirmation of responsibility.

46664 bangles can be found at retailers around the world; for more information, visit: bangles.46664.com

MIMI Related Links: Underwear With A Conscience (And A Stash Pocket); Make A Difference: Fashion Conscience

(Photo Credits: Kerry Botha PR)

Wife Of The Gods: A Novel

Written By: Nicole Parker-Jones—Looking for a good mystery? How about Kwei Quartey's debut novel Wife of the Gods? The premise: in a small town in Ghana's Volta Region (Ketanu), a young promising medical resident working with Ghana's Ministry of Health's AIDS program is found dead under suspicious circumstances. Eager to close the case, the local police have arrested a poor teenage boy and charged him with murder. The police are less than thrilled when an outside force—Detective Inspector Darko Dawson—arrives from the big city of Accra to lead an inquiry into the mysterious case.

Inspector Dawson is an excellent detective armed with remarkable insight and a healthy dose of skepticism; with family ties to Ketanu, he is a perfect fit for the investigation, but nothing about his investigation is simple. In Ketanu, Inspector Dawson finds that his cosmopolitan sensibilities clash with age-old customs, including a disturbing practice in which teenage girls are offered by their families to fetish priests as "trokosi," or "Wives of the Gods." Katanu is also filled with emotional landmines for Inspector Dawson: an estranged relationship with the family he left behind and the painful memory of his own mother's sudden, inexplicable disappearance. The growing rift between Dawson's modern police work and a local inspector's refusal to move past traditionally accepted beliefs jeopardizes a successful arrest.

Lyrical and captivating, Quartey's Wife of the Gods brings to life the majesty and charm of Ghana-from the capital city of Accra to the small community of Ketanu where long-buried secrets are about to rise to the surface.

For more information, visit: www.kweiquartey.com.

Outfit: YSL ahum Y5L

My 5preview t-shirt finally came in! I just love how they make funny look-alike designerlogo's, like this YSL-look. They also have similar shirts with chanel and Marc Jacobs. They have a blog: click here
I ordered this shirt at Idon'tlikemondays

ADD: So Cool!!!! 5 preview have placed my picture on their blog!!!!


I've been collecting bones, sleeping in lake houses, creating masterpieces from falling sand, making connections. this is the life. But really, this is the life and it's been slightly more chaotic than normal. Everything sort of flared up all at once, I am excited for what is yet to come.

Liya Kebede For H&M

Written By: Staff Writer—The gorgeous Liya Kebede is one of the faces of H&M's Fall 2009 knitwear ad campaign. More on the campaign after the "Read More" jump ... Read more »

Lines & Gold

online journal. art. music. fashion. things. read it HERE

The Alex Box Book Launch

Alex's book launch with Rankin last night was a complete success, fabulous exhibition too. Good effort Alex!
See for more details http://www.artshub.co.uk

Tabloid stories...

These stories appeared in the news this week about my shoot with British Vogue on Alex Curran

The ReBirth Of The Designer Bag

Written By: Staff Writer—ReBirth is a luxury handbag line founded by Funmi Adeyeri. Recently launched in the United Kingdom and Nigeria, the collection consists of leather handbags that are both conventional and exceptional. Adeyeri explains, ReBirth bags are a tribute to women, who cherish and celebrate their “individuality, independence and success.”

More on ReBirth after the “Read More” jump ...Read more »

Marcus Samuelsson's New American Table

Written By: Staff Writer—On October 26th, renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson will be releasing his new book New American Table. Samuelsson, author of The Soul of a New Cuisine, Aquavit and The New Scandinavian Cuisine and co-owner/executive chef of restaurants Ringo and Aquavitvit, shares more than 300 recipes for American dishes such as breakfast burritos, beer-braised short ribs, and red berry cobbler in New American Table.

Samuelsson says about the book, "I'll introduce you to friends I've met along the way who have shared their foods, told me their stories and inspired me with their passion. With recipes that range from elaborate entrees to simple snacks, I give an overview of American food as I see it and, hopefully, will provide a primer to navigate through an array of international influences to bring a world of flavor into your own home."

Additional details about New American Table are available after the "Read More" jump ...Read more »

First Look: Anna Reynolds' Sinner And Android Girl

Written By: Staff Writer—Anna Reynolds (who was recently featured in MIMI's Hot 21) is getting ready to release her new album, and MIMI's got a first look at the cover for her lead single, Sinner, which will be available on October 23. Anna is of course wearing clothes from her label ANNA.ALPHA.BETIC. Anna's full length album, Android Girl, will be release on November 6, 2009. Anna's Android Girl album cover after the "Read More" jump ... Read more »

Subtle Changes To MIMI's Blogspot

Written By: MIMI Magazine—In an effort to make MIMI's Blogspot more user-friendly, please note the addition of the "Read More" link at the end of MIMI's long posts. Find out what else we have to say in this post, by following the "Read More" link ...
Read more »

From The Archives: How Prepared Are You?

Written By: Busola Grillo—The purpose of this article is not to scare you as a reader but really to bring some really important life issues into full focus. At the beginning of the summer [of 2007], my oldest sister was rushed to the emergency room in a diabetic coma. As time passed, her condition got worse because she was also battling a major infection from a septic wound. Forty-eight hours after arriving at the hospital, she was pronounced dead.

She was young, full of life and energy, mother of two, hard working and very adventurous, she had her whole life ahead of her, or so she thought, but as fate would have it, I watched helplessly as that life came to an end at 3:01am EST on a Friday morning in a quiet hospital. It became a duty for my family and I to get busy with handling all the necessary requirements that was needed and I must say that nothing prepares you for such a devastating experience. I remember thinking how easy it would be if my sister had something in place, like a guideline of what she would like to have done with her estate, and other belongings and I asked myself: how prepared am I?

It is funny how much effort I put into getting ready for so many events and occasions in my life. For example, if I have a job interview, I spend enough time preparing myself. I learn about the company, practice my responses to any questions they may ask, secure a plan B or C for anything life may throw my way. Unfortunately, if something were to happen to me today and I cease to have life, I cannot say that I am in anyway prepared for that event. Are you?

Here are some lessons that I learned during this trying ordeal:

1. Accept and understand that death is inevitable; it is the one sure thing we know about life.

2. Accept and understand that death can happen anytime.

3. Accept and understand that death can happen in any manner.

4. Write a will for yourself, no matter how young or old you think you are. Give very clear explanations of what you will like to have done in you absence with respect to your property and your family. Equally important, state what you will not like to have done in the event your wishes cannot be fulfilled. Leave room for no assumptions. If you want to be buried in your home village, for example, state clearly that you will like have that done.

5. Have an information card in different places that has your name, your health insurance information, your first, second and third emergency point of contacts, and your primary care giver. Give a copy to your emergency contacts. This way, if you are unconscious, you will not be regarded as an uninsured Jane Doe.

6. Take great care of your health. Get a yearly physical exam, and let your doctor test you for everything, especially those things that might be hereditary. Do not be afraid of knowing. With knowledge, you can take steps to heal yourself.

7. Celebrate every moment of your life. Don't wait till the next birthday, thanksgiving, holidays or whenever; celebrate now before now becomes a history.

(Originally Published In September 2007, Breaking Boundaries)

(Photo Credits: Dreamstime © www.hasanshaheed.com)

Fashion's Nigerian and Pop Crossroads Meet At Allen & Fifth

Written By: Ronke Adepoju—Ese Aigbogun has always been in love with art so it came as no surprise when she decided to start up her urban/street wear apparel line, Allen & Fifth. Allen & Fifth captures Nigerian/African pop culture with graphic tees that reflect African experiences in a fresh new light. Allen & Fifth represents two distinct and dynamic cultures, Lagos and New York so its designs take a little bit from these cities with vibrant characteristics.

Ese’s designs appeal to Africans and non-Africans because they strike a chord of nostalgia and curiosity that enlighten people about what Africa and Africans have to offer; drive and creativity. With tees like See No Evil, Do You Know Who I Am, Efiko, Aso Rock, Chop Knuckle and many more, you are sure to find designs that suit your personality and style. Though based in New York, upcoming collaborations with artists and retailers around the world guarantee that more freshness from Allen & Fifth is coming your way very soon.

In addition to designing fresh tees, Allen & Fifth is affiliated with Africa Outreach Program, AOP; an initiative that provides school supplies for children in Africa. A portion of the proceeds from sales are used to fund AOP—www.africa-outreach.org.

Visit Allen & Fifth at www.allenandfifth.com or send Ese an email at ese[at]allenandfifth.com.

(Photo Credits: Provided Courtesy Of Blueprint By Ronke—www.blueprintbyronke.comFor Allen & Fifth)

Stringz Attached

Written By: Staff Writer—Start out with some talent, throw in a touch of gold and top off with gems, and the results speak for themselves: Stringz Attached, a "cosmopolitan chic" jewelery line that is a cut above the rest, created and designed by Ruby Buah.

Here's what Ruby has to say about the path that led her to Stringz Attached,

"I am from Ghana currently enrolled at Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York. Like most Africans in the US, I came here (Georgia) after high school to further my education. I have an undergrad in Business and worked in Finance/Accounting for about 7 years before discovering an interest in creating/designing. I developed my jewelry design business while working at Coca Cola as a Financial Analyst but have since added handbag design. Driven by how much I enjoyed what I was doing and knowing that the best way to continue growing and giving my customers the best is through professional training/education, I packed up and moved from Atlanta to New York for FIT's coveted Jewelry Design program. I am thoroughly enjoying the journey—even though sprinkled with some lows ... but mostly highs :)"

Get more information about Stringz Attached by visiting www.stringzattached.com and look for a full length feature story about Ruby's absolutely fabulous handbags in MIMI's upcoming fashion issue, due in November.
(Photo Credits: Ruby Buah For Stringz Attached)

Beautifully Speaking By Sonya Walker

Written By: Staff Writer—Growing fashion label Beautifully Speaking's motto reads: "If you're not speaking beautifully, then you should be beautifully speaking" and founder Sonya Walker believes that wholeheartedly. In her Q&A with MIMI, find out about Sonya's fashion mission.

MIMI: In three words could you describe Beautifully Speaking?
Sonya Walker: Beauty inside out.

MIMI: What inspired you to start Beautifully Speaking?
Sonya Walker: God had given me the idea to start a Women's Ministry called the Essence of A Woman which means to bring out the true nature in which she was created. I was given the opportunity to speak to women teens all over and through these experiences God begin to show me that how you see yourself or have a poor image of yourself this will cause you to live beneath who you were created to be. The bible tells us that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Words are powerful and that its not about what others say as much as it is about how you feel about yourself that matters most. From there I was asked to write for a magazine and other online forums and I would talk about God, sex, and love. That as women you were created to be loved cherish and adored to stop selling yourself short, that you were not designed to lead men or to take care of them but that you are the prize, and I would sign Beautifully Speaking, Sonya. If you would like to see some of my writings you can go to www.essanceimages.com and click on newsletter and see some of my archived writings.

MIMI: Most people who enter fashion are trying to start a trend, but it seems as though for you, you are trying to send a message. Is that a fair characterization? If so, what are you trying to say?
Sonya Walker: Yes, that is fair to say. I believe that you can be a public success but a private failure that just because you are beautiful outwardly doesn't mean that you feel the same inwardly. So, I want to send the message that when God created you, it is simply because He loves you just the way you are and that you don't have to fit into what society's idea of beauty has to be. To learn to love your height, size, that no matter where you come from God thinks that you are absolutely beautiful and that He has a plan for your life. That the greatest gift you can give yourself is love.

MIMI: Any long-term plans for Beautifully Speaking that you care to share with MIMI?
Sonya Walker: I would love to see Beautifully Speaking on runways, in Wal-Mart as well as boutiques. My desire is that loving yourself becomes contagious. My plans for Beautifully Speaking is to have a full line of baby doll tees and tanks, lounge and sleepwear, bath and body products and a full cosmetic line. My goal is to have events that will teach women how to nurture and love themselves

Get more information by visiting www.beautifullyspeaking.com.

(Photo Credits: Provided Courtesy Of Beautifully Speaking By Sonya Walker)

AphroChic: Modern. Soulful. Style.

Written By: Nani Hapa—Oh, how I am so very excited to share AphroChic, a new line of home accessories from the uber talented Jeanine Hays. AphroChic represents "modern soulful style." Jeanine's AphroChic collection will not only make you swoon over texture, pattern, and color, but it's also ecofriendly. Jeanine bases her work on the belief that a synthesis of high-end design and ethnic culture can create a style that is reflective of the individual while still being of the highest quality and the latest fashion. Be sure to check out her website, www.aphrochicshop.com, to view the full AphroChic collection and if you're inspired, visit her blog as well, www.aphrochic.blogspot.com.

MIMI Related Articles: Decorate Your Life

(Photo Credits: Photos Provided Courtesy Of AphroChic (LookBook))

Charlene Amankwah: 19 Year Old Fashion Designer Making Waves

Written By: Catherine Hagan—Fashion designer Charlene Amankwah, originally from Ghana, is a 19 year old student at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland who is making waves on the fashion scene. While pursuing her studies, Charlene also started designing, creating and selling clothes to her fellow students at the University in order to save some extra money to help her pursue her post graduate degree. The positive feedback and the numerous orders that have been placed for Charlene’s clothes together with the help from her parents led her to take on designing more seriously, and so came the birth of her eponymous clothing line: CHARLENE AMANKWAH.

When asked what the most difficult aspect of starting her clothing line is, Charlene responded, “The toughest part of having a clothing line is probably having to pay as much attention to [the] CHARLENE AMANKWAH clothing line as I do to school, it is tough juggling the two, however, I am from Africa and I know I have been given an amazing opportunitycompared to the less fortunate people back home, so there is no time for complaining, I intend to excel beyond all means in both CHARLENE AMANKWAH and Law School.
For more information about the young talent, visit www.charleneamankwah.co.uk and www.facebook.com/people/Charlene-Amankwah/586350590
(Edited By: Nani Hapa) (Photo Credits: Provided Courtesy Of Catherine Hagan of R'ajwa PR and Events)

Rembering Lucky Dube

Written By: Staff Writer—Two years ago today, Lucky Dube, the globally revered South African musician who was one of Africa's most beloved artists and one of reggae's most powerful voices, was tragically killed (http://mimimagazine.blogspot.com/2007/10/lucky-dube-murdered.html). With an incredible 21 albums under his musical belt, Dube proved himself one of not only South Africa's, but also the world's greatest reggae superstars—a man with superb musical taste and genius, an artist with a message, with a reason and a rhyme behind everything he does. Dube's songs were based on three main things—political issues, social issues and personal issues—things that play an important role in everyone's lives. When asked what inspired Dube once noted, "People! Looking at people, watching people's movements, the things they do. My songs are based on real life situations and experiences." His music was riddled with the desire to make the world a better place. Today, we remember the man whose music lives in the hearts of his fans forever.

(Photo Credits: Ryko Press)

Grace Of Africa

Written By: Staff Writer—Ana Tzarev has traveled extensively throughout Africa, spending weeks at a time in numerous regions across the continent; all of these encounters are reflected in her powerful images of women and children. Her latest exhibition, "Grace Of Africa," celebrates the grace, beauty and resilience of the African people in a remarkable body of work that expresses the artist’s heartfelt connection and respect. "There is much about Africa that inspires me including the magnificent landscape, the vibrant markets and the range of local culture but nothing can compare with the intensity of experiencing firsthand the spirit and dignity of the African people. Their proud land is the cradle of civilization and I have great hope for the future, my paintings are a tribute to the strength and grace of Africa," says painter Ana Tzarev. For more information visit www.anatzarev.com

(Photo Credits: Ana Tzavarez "Girl From Akra" PR Newswire)


Just finished

New Music Girl On The Block

Written By: Akua Afram—AKWAABA! My name is Akua Afram and I'm a freelance music consultant. After working in various music and corporate organisations I finally decided to go alone. From a very young age, I have always wanted to run my own business particularly in music - as that was my favourite subject. After studying BA (Hons) Media Practices, I decided to follow my destined path in Music. However, my path has been very challenging and still is. To be frank if this journey was made any easier, I wouldn't have learnt anything. Your struggle can determine your direction in how you handle and approach things. Here's my story...

Music has been a strong subject in my life, everyone who knows me, the first thing they would associate with me - music. Even though I was born and bred in London Ghana remains a place that I would eventually would like to live in my later years. Throughout my childhood, I have always had the hunger to learn about my heritage as I have a very special family and Iknow it sounds cliché felt the music spoke to me and I was so into it - E.T. Mensah, Pat Thomas, Daddy Lumba, Reggie Rockstone I could go on! During school and college I always made sure I participated in a choir because I like to sing, school drama and dance productions (must admit I liked being in the spotlight! :) Till this day I still make my mum feel bad for not taking me to stage school.

Fast forward to my 20's, I've probably done every role under the sun in the music industry which is why I decided to go alone now, look the economical state it's a perfect opportunity. My experience varies from music publishing, A&R, licensing, events to artist management and it's time capitalised on that. I've triumphed, endured episodes of disappointment and bitterness, been burnt, loads of fun, being undermined, underpaid, and having a sense of achievement. The music industry is tough especially to make it as a black woman, there's not much black female professionals I can count on one hand and that even includes me! Plus it's competitive, and because it's a male orientated industry you have to be thick-skinned and not tolerate any nonsense. There are nice people, thats who I surround myself with anyway so I can build on relationships and extend my network.

Right now I'm teaching Music Business with fellow UK Ghanaian and music journalist/broadcaster Lawrence Lartey at socialenterprise Music4Good: wwww.music4good.co.uk. On the management team of MPHO and setting up shop for branding (consulting brands how to use music). It doesn't only stop in the UK but I also want to bring my knowledge and experience to Ghana and to other international markets. They are really lacking young professionals who have expertise in music business knowledge and I think they need to be more educated about it. They're too old school and need to highlight to artists how to have a better understanding of the industry particularly from a business scope. Maybe I should book a flight and be a walking advertisement for enforcing music licensing for COSGA (Ghana's Copyright body)!

One of my goals is to DJ at the end of this year or next year. I'm practising and before you know it I could be Ghana's 1st female DJ, keep tuned! Follow me, check my links below:
www.musicgirlhitsjanblues.blogspot.com and www.twitter.com/AriesMusic.


I'm not going to tell you where I found this

Fairy Tales by Dallas Clayton

If you are ever walking through the forest
and happen upon a fox
caught in a furrier's trap
and the fox says to you in a funny little voice:
"Hey, if you help me out of this trap, I'll grant you a wish!"
and you help the fox out by prying open the trap
with a tree branch
and the fox thanks you
and tells you that he has to go back to his fox hole
to get his magic spell book
to grant your wish
but first he needs to borrow twenty dollars or whatever cash you have on you
I can tell you FOR A FACT
that you are never going to collect on that magic wish.

Even if you wait around until dark.

Running With The Fash Pack....Paris Fashion Week SS 2010

The stunning Clémentine outside Louis Vuitton.

p.s. I am taking a little blogging break of about 2 1/2 weeks (hence the furious uploading these past couple of days!) to go have some adventures (and hopefully take some pics :). I won't be blogging during that time but I will be checking email periodically (yep, I am one of those 0.00000000000000002 % of the population that doesn't have an iPhone or a blackberry) so if you want/need to contact me just send me an email.

p.p.s. Thanks again ever so much for all your comments, emails and encouragement over these past few weeks- you guys are great. Normal transmission (including replying properly to comments) will resume shortly :)

Running With The Fash Pack....Paris Fashion Week SS 2010

The oh-so-beautiful model/photographer/blogger Hanneli Mustaparta. She is an absolute dream to photograph AND just so nice as well (we like that :)) If you haven't checked out her blog then DO IT! Click here for the link.

p.s the dress is Rad Hourani and the bag? Alexander Wang.

Running With The Fash Pack....Paris Fashion Week SS 2010

Outside Kenzo.

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