The Man Of Words: Yonnie

What's not to love about Yonie? He's a rapper and poet of Ethiopian origin ... and, um, oh yeah, he's so, so fine (blush)!

MIMI: What got you interested in becoming a performer?
Yonie: I've always felt comfortable in front of an audience. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what sparked my initial interest since it developed at such an early age. But I do believe that my reason for pursuing a career in performing not only has to do with personal interest but also with heredity. In high school and college, both my parents were involved in the student movement against the Ethiopian government at that time. They were very outspoken and blunt with their opinions. When I perform my poetry, I feel like them 30 years later. So, although my interest in performing has strengthened incredibly over the years, it's also just in my blood.

MIMI: What's the last great book you read?
Yonie: Holler If You Hear Me by Michael Eric Dyson

MIMI: What's your favorite CD (if you had to select one)?
Yonie: Well, I usually burn CD's but a CD that I love listening to would be Jay-Z first Blueprint album

MIMI: An ideal date would be ...
Yonie: whatever I felt like doing at that time. I might want to go out to a 4-star restaurant before going to the movies to watch a highly anticipated film, then catch some ice cream and go for a drive. Or I might just feel like hittin up Blockbuster, poppin some kettle corn and making it a movie night at the house.

MIMI: Most endearing quality a woman could possess?
Yonie: The quality of treating me exactly how she would want to be treated. Thats the best quality!

Learn more about Yonie at and watch this space for more profiles of talented African men who just happen to be fine (teehee) throughout the month of February.

(Photo Credits: Provided Courtesy Of Yonie)

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