The Versatile Shopper: Remi Fagbohun

Remi Fagbohun is the proprietor of The Versatile Shopper! She is also one of New York's finest image consultants, professional shoppers and stylists. Her life story is filled with exciting chapters from bustling Harlem, to exotic Nigeria and stately London. Absorbing the colors, sights and sounds of her environment has developed her fashion and artistic sense that goes unparalleled in the fashion consulting field. Remi not only looks for the latest trends, she creates them.

Her connections in the fashion industry gives her access to the most established design houses as well as the up and coming, providing her clients with the latest in design and fashion.While focusing on the goals of each of her clients, Remi also inspires them to transform themselves into someone they never thought they could be. Conscious of her clients lifestyle, needs and budget, she analyses appropriate colors, styles and fabrics to create the perfect fusion of fashion and design.

Available for wardrobe maintenance, special occasions or wedding day glamour. Remi Fagbohun is there every step of the way to offer you her fashion and image consulting expertise."Whether looking for a million dollar look or the bargain of the century, look no further than The Versatile Shopper." Get all the details at
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