Written By: MIM!—Starting today, Inside Africa presenter Isha Sesay anchors live from Africa’s most populous country and second largest economy in the run-up to the country's celebration of 50 years of independence: Nigeria. Isha fronts the week of coverage live from Lagos, delving into its dynamic industries and diverse cultures through a series of interviews with guests from the world of politics, business and pop culture interspersed with reports and stories from CNN’s correspondents Christian Purefoy and Nima Elbagir.
i-List Nigeria looks at how Africa’s largest oil and gas producer is tackling power shortages and environmental issues, recent reforms in the banking industry and strenuous efforts to restore investor confidence. There are also stories about the thriving mobile communications industry in Nigeria. For major providers it is an enormous market and the primary way to access the internet. For the informal economy, entrepreneurs are finding innovative ways to setup and support small businesses. Fashion, music and film from also feature during the week as we focus on the entrepreneurial spirit of those living in the mega-city of Lagos. Another big business in Nigeria is wigs and weaves; i-List looks into the colourful story of roadside barbers and celebrity hairdressers.
We'll be tuning in!
UPDATED: Watch CNN's iList at: www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2010/ilist/.
(Photo Credits: © Dawid Krupa / Dreamstime)